4. Guiding Principles

The MoUis based on the following key principles which underpin VISPA:

  1. 1. That each member fully respects the independence and autonomy of each other.
  2. 2. That each organisation will at all times actively and appropriately support and promote each other.
  3. 3. Recognising their shared service user base and objectives, each organisation is committed to maximising its effectiveness through developing periodic work plans across a range of areas. The Workplans for VISPA will be agreed and signed off by all organisations and will be routinely reviewed and altered by agreement.
  4. 4.That each member will ensure that issues raised at, or in relation, to VISPA meetings, are treated professionally and in confidence as appropriate, but with regards to the Freedom of Information Acts and other statutory regulations.
  5. 5. That any differences or divergence of views between members are resolved amicably and in the spirit of genuine collaboration and the MoU.

5. Structure

  • VISPA will elect a rotating Chair who will sit for one term of six-months before being replaced. The Chair will be one of the Chief Executives of the member organisations.
  • VISPA will also appoint a Deputy Chair for one term of six-months before stepping down from that role. The Deputy Chair will for the first 12 months, be one of the Chief Executives of the member organisations. After 12 months the Deputy Chair may be drawn from among the senior management of the member organisations.
  • This structure will be reviewed at the end of 24 months when each of the Chief Executives has Chaired VISPA for one term.
  • A Secretary shall be elected to coordinate and provide administrative support to VISPA.
  • Two members from each organisation shall be represented on VISPA.
  • A quorum for VISPA meetings shall be at least one person from each organisation. Each organisation shall have one vote only.
  • Decisions adopted by VISPA will be on a unanimous basis.
  • VISPA’s tenure is initially valid for a period of two years in the first instance and will be reviewed thereafter.
  • A budget for VISPA will be established in due course, within the first 12 months.
  • The location of VISPA meetings will periodically rotate between the Head Offices of the member organisations.
  • At the end of each six-monthly term, a progress report will be produced by the Chair which will be presented by each member to their Boards/Trustees semi-annually.

Read more of the Memorandum of Understanding